Blood take service 4.00€

CRB | C reactive protein
C-reactive protein is a classic protein of the acute phase of inflammatory reactions. It is produced in the liver. CRB concentration increases sharply during inflammatory processes.
The CRB response often precedes clinical symptoms, including fever. In normal, healthy people, only trace amounts of CRB are detected, up to 5 mg/L. After the onset of the acute phase response, the concentration of CRB increases rapidly and significantly. The concentration begins to increase within 6-12 hours, and the peak is reached within 24-48 hours. A concentration above 100 mg/L is associated with severe stimuli such as major trauma or severe infection (sepsis).
CRB response may be less pronounced in patients with liver disease. CRB tests are used to identify systemic inflammatory processes; when evaluating the treatment of bacterial infections with antibiotics; in the detection of intrauterine infection with accompanying premature rupture of the amniotic sac; when differentiating between active and inactive forms of the disease with co-infection, for example: in patients with SLE or ulcerative colitis; for therapeutic monitoring of rheumatic diseases and evaluation of anti-inflammatory treatment; assessing the occurrence of post-operative complications such as wound infection, thrombosis and pneumonia at an early stage; distinguishing infection from bone marrow rejection. Postoperative monitoring of CRB levels can help identify unexpected complications (persistently high or rising levels). Measurement of changes in CRB concentration provides useful diagnostic information about the acuteness and severity of the disease. It also allows us to decide on the origin of the disease. A persistently high CRB concentration is usually a serious prognostic sign that indicates an uncontrolled infection.
- It is recommended to perform disease diagnostics and treatment control according to the doctor's instructions.
- The results of the test are affected by the drugs used and pregnancy.
- It is necessary to arrive before 12 o'clock fasting to take the test.

Reference: 18022