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New specialists joined the team in Vilnius: gynecologists - obstetricians, neurologists, psychiatrists - psychotherapists and psychologists!

I – V 07:00-21:00

VI – VII 09:00-20:00

lt en

Jūsų krepšelis yra tuščias

Išsirinkę tyrimus spauskite mygtuką "Į krepšelį"

Medical certificate for shipmasters

Medical certificate for shipmasters

From 30.00€


*The basic price of the health check-up is indicated. In the case of additional risk factors specified in Order V-301 of the Minister of Health, which regulates the health check-up procedure for shipmasters, additional tests may be ordered by the doctor's decision, paid according to rates.

Persons wishing to obtain a medical certificate for the medical examination of a shipmaster must have:

  1. Identity Card.
  2. Driver's license (if the health check is repeated).
  3. Psychiatrist (mental health center) certificate. Persons who do not know which psychiatric institution they belong to should contact their family doctor or consult privately with a psychiatrist working at UAB in order to obtain a psychiatrist's statement.
  4. Personal health history (ambulatory card) or form issued by the family doctor no. 027/a*.

* For persons who do not have a valid form issued by a family doctor no. 027/a (on the state of health), whether the clinic where the patient is registered is outside the city of Šiauliai, as well as those who are not registered in Lithuania, a mandatory health check-up is performed on site (examinations, electrocardiogram).

Information on the medical certificate for shipmasters:

The medical certificate of the captain's health check is required when taking driving exams and changing the driver's license. A valid certificate must be delivered to the JV "Regitra".

A blood test is required for the issuance of the certificate: determination of blood group ABO and Rh(D), in case it is not recorded in your personal document. We perform blood tests on site, so you only need to donate blood and we will do everything right there.

Medical certificate for shipmasters
Medical certificate for shipmasters