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New specialists joined the team in Vilnius: gynecologists - obstetricians, neurologists, psychiatrists - psychotherapists and psychologists!

I – V 07:00-21:00

VI – VII 09:00-20:00

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Jūsų krepšelis yra tuščias

Išsirinkę tyrimus spauskite mygtuką "Į krepšelį"


Blood take service 4.00€




Reference: 15945
+ Gift
Ca | Calcium
+ Gift

Manganese is transported in the blood by transferrin. Manganese is essential for the enzymatic systems of humans and all other organisms. It is found in nuts, tea, various fruits and vegetables. It is a typical antioxidant. The amount of manganese is determined to confirm (disprove) the fact of deficiency or excess. An excess occurs when a person works in an environment rich in manganese. After no more contact with manganese, its concentration in the blood decreases quickly, but its amount in the brain remains elevated for a long time. Severe, sometimes irreversible neurological changes can then occur, which can manifest in symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease. Manganese is an essential component of food and is included in the composition of various enteral and parenteral feeding mixtures. Manganese competes with iron in the body, so excessive amounts of dietary manganese can cause iron deficiency anemia. Manganese can be the cause of pneumonia, liver cirrhosis, parkinsonism, cardiovascular disorders, allergies and other diseases.

Reference: 15945
