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New specialists joined the team in Vilnius: gynecologists - obstetricians, neurologists, psychiatrists - psychotherapists and psychologists!

I – V 07:00-21:00

VI – VII 09:00-20:00

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Jūsų krepšelis yra tuščias

Išsirinkę tyrimus spauskite mygtuką "Į krepšelį"


Blood take service 4.00€




Reference: 15941
+ Gift
Ca | Calcium
+ Gift

Chromium is necessary for the full interaction of the insulin molecule with the cell surface. Chromium deficiency in the body usually occurs during starvation, and in babies - due to insufficient nutrition in breast milk. Chromium deficiency is often associated with encephalopathy, neuropathy. A single dose of 250µg of chromium is usually sufficient to quickly and completely correct chromium deficiency. Excessive consumption of chromium can cause toxic symptoms. Acute toxicity (occurring in industrial workers) is manifested by acute tubular necrosis, acute hepatitis, convulsions. Chromium vapor is a respiratory carcinogen. The use of chromium food additives in healthy individuals and those suffering from a severe form of diabetes does not have any positive effect. Chromium can be the cause of lung, stomach, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system disorders, liver, kidney, heart muscle dystrophy, anemia, skin allergic reactions and many other ailments.

Reference: 15941
