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New specialists joined the team in Vilnius: gynecologists - obstetricians, neurologists, psychiatrists - psychotherapists and psychologists!

I – V 07:00-21:00

VI – VII 09:00-20:00

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Blood take service 4.00€

CHOL | Cholesterol

CHOL | Cholesterol


Reference: 15023
+ Gift
Ca | Calcium
+ Gift

Cholesterol (CHOL) is one of the main indicators, the increase of which is associated with the risk of atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is necessary to support various vital processes of the human body. The human body produces the required amount of cholesterol in the liver, and the blood carries it throughout the body. Cholesterol enters the human body with food, so if you do not pay enough attention to your diet, there is a high probability that there will be too much cholesterol in the body, its excess will begin to accumulate on the inner walls of blood vessels, disrupting or completely stopping blood flow and damaging the blood supply to vital organs. Cholesterol values ​​below 5.2 mmol/l are generally considered to be normal, and all individuals with total blood cholesterol above 6.5 mmol/l should be further tested and screened for the full spectrum of lipids (HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides), and sometimes it may also be necessary to carry out tests that determine the concentration of Apo A, Apo B, Lp(a) and homocysteine. Cholesterol increases with the risk of atherosclerosis, familial hyperlipidemia, liver disease, diabetes, obesity, and during pregnancy.


  • It is recommended to carry out prophylactically once a year, for disease diagnosis and treatment control it is carried out periodically according to the doctor's instructions.
  • The results of the study are affected by the drugs used, diet, alcohol, stress, smoking, caffeine, pregnancy.
  • It is necessary to arrive for the test after fasting for 12-14 hours, you can drink water, it is recommended to avoid fatty food and not to drink alcohol for 24 hours the day before the test.
CHOL | Cholesterol
CHOL | Cholesterol
Reference: 15023
